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Agriculture and forestry

Tractores, machines, etc.

All agricultural equipment that runs on fossil fuels can use TOP TORQUE®.

Agriculture is part of the non-road sector and is considered a significant source of pollutant emissions in some regions. According to the EU Stage V Regulation, particulate filters have only been a requirement for new vehicles since 2020; old vehicles must be retrofitted.

With TOP TORQUE® farmers and foresters can not only save fuel without a usually costly additional investment, but at the same time ensure more intact flora and fauna due to the reduction in emissions and CO₂ emissions.


  • Decrease of fuel consumption and CO₂ emissions by ø 8 to 12%

  • Improvement of emission output

  • Less consumption of urea solution (e.g. AdBlue®, DEF)

  • Increasing the economic efficiency of production

  • Protection of our environment

  • Can be added to company-owned yard tanks or fuel pumps

  • Can be used in vehicles and machines of all brand manufacturers

  • Supportive measure for air pollution control

  • Extends the service life of engines (less sooting)

Saving Fuel and Reducing Emissions in Agriculture and Forestry:

Addition of TOP TORQUE®

By means of an automatic dosing system or with our handy dosing bottles directly into the vehicle tank or the yard filling station. Different concentrate strengths and bottle sizes are available. Application & Dosage


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